Ok, ok, just kill me already, yes ... I copied this from my HSing Blog.
I just had to share it and it was so much fun too!! We are just sick as DOGS here and this was a great way to just have fun and learn at the same time. Enjoy!
I just had to share it and it was so much fun too!! We are just sick as DOGS here and this was a great way to just have fun and learn at the same time. Enjoy!
Ok, besides the fact that we are all sick with a cold and we want to crawl into a bottle of "nyquil", LOL.
We still managed to have some sort of fun activity over the weekend! I'm gonna be doing this backwards (warning!) but we went a few weeks ago to the Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park. It was so much fun, but it also stirred up some facinating info on the FL manatee (West Indian manatee).
So, a lap book just had to be created in honor of this gentle giant!
My DD#1 and I created and attended to this little project ...

My DH helped as he always does PRAISE GOD!
Here is the Lap Book about the "Florida Manatee" -

This pic below is the first left half of the folder. DD#1 had to list the different species of manatees found around the world today, and also had to list "where" in the world they are found.

We also looked up plenty of facts about Manatee's to fill up 3 lap book or a good double one for sure! We added little square fact boxes here and there. Also listed the dangers to the Manatee today.
Lots of info on them and pictures too!

The back was DD#2's idea, leave it to a four year old. Good job honey!!

We didn't do a fancy-schmanshy lap book, just a simple one folder style, and it was buckets of fun. I already know 3 ppl that are gonna ask "why didn't you take pictures of the process?"
Well, quite frankly we were so into it that I just plum forgot ... skew me! LOL!!!
I highly recommend Lap Booking to anyone, trust me they really learn the stuff this way! Besides it's not everyday that you get to use both sides of the brain! ... Uhm, well you do but shhhhhh! It was a good argument for starting up on Lap Booking, *wink*!
Sammie, you lil angel! This is very very nice! Wow! You really know your stuff about manatees don't ya? I'm very very impressed young lady! How long did it take to make you lap books? I told mummy that you all will have to make one for this old grama some day. You sure did work hard on your lap book, and grama's very proud of you sweet heart. Hugssssssss, I love you!
Oh Sammie, you lil angel! You did very very well with your lil lap book. I have never heard of a lap book til now. Sure takes a lot of work, doesn't it. It's just PERFECT sweet heart. I told your mummy, that you will have to make one of your lap books for grama one day. I'd love to see what you come up with. Excellent work angel! I'm very proud of you. I hope ya got an A+ for your work. God bless you sweet heart. Sending great big hugs to ya from me in PA. I love you!
What a wonderful project! Such a lovely job and one that is sure to lead into scrapbooking. Thank-you for sharing this.
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